3 Important Steps To Take When Caring For Your Toddler's Teeth

Caring for your toddler's teeth can be difficult because many young children do not like having their mouths touched. Here are 3 important steps you can take when caring for your toddler's teeth so that their teeth are healthy.

Fluoride Drops

First, you can include fluoride drops in their diet. One of the best things about these drops is that they are virtually flavorless, which is great because you can include a drop in water or any drink that is not dairy. Milk will counteract the effectiveness of the fluoride, so you do not want to give the drops to your child within an hour of two of drinking milk.

You can also give your child a drop directly in the mouth, and they may only notice a slight after taste. In many states, fluoride is not included in the water, so these drops are necessary to help your child's teeth resist cavities by being extra strong. You can get fluoride drops from your pediatric dentist or from your child's pediatrician at any time, so ask for some at your next visit or call to see if you can have a prescription ordered.

Non-Hydrogen Peroxide Toothpaste

Next, the type of toothpaste you brush your child's teeth with matters. You should only use toothpaste that is cavity fighting and that does not contain hydrogen peroxide. Toothpaste that contains peroxide will wear away the enamel of the teeth, which means that your child will be more prone to cavities.

Even though all of the baby teeth will fall out, you still need to keep them healthy so that getting fillings is not necessary at such a young age. You do not want your toddler to hate or be afraid of the dentist, so taking good care of their teeth will help them to have a positive experience with dental care.

Night Drinking

Lastly, you need to cut out milk and any flavored drinks late at night. You also need to get rid of them during the night if your child has a habit of drinking milk during the night, because this is really bad for the teeth.

If your child drinks milk during the night, the sugars in the milk will sit on the teeth, and then these sugars can cause cavities. After you brush your toddler's teeth at night, the only thing they should have is water, and this applies during the night as well. Also, you want to avoid giving sugary drinks right before brushing the teeth because the sugars can make the enamel a little weaker, and it can wear off easier.

By taking these 3 steps, you can help your child to have healthy, strong teeth that will last until they have adult teeth. For more information, contact a pediatric dentist like Smile Builders - Robyn Lesser DMD.
