What To Do If You Have Limited Jaw Movement And Need To See A Dentist

Limited jaw movement can get in the way of daily life, no matter what the cause of it is. Whether you have arthritis, TMJ, or another disorder that keeps you from being able to properly open and close your mouth fully and easily, this problem can leave you feeling scared of sitting in the dentist's chair. However, there's no reason to fear. If you have this difficulty, learn more here to make your next dentist visit easier.

Inform Dentist

The first thing you should do is inform your dentist that you have a problem. Talking to your dentist will allow them to understand what's going on and to provide you with more time to have your exam, cleaning, or treatment. This will allow you to not be as stressed, which may help to prevent your muscles from tightening up and making matters worse. It will also ensure that you won't have to come back for a second appointment to complete your dental treatment.

Take Medication in Advance

If you've been prescribed medication for your condition or take over the counter pain medicine to help reduce inflammation and swelling, it's a good idea to to it before you get to the dentist's office. This will allow your medication time to take effect before you actually get in the dentist's chair.

Jaw Massage

Learning how to properly massage your jaw is a great idea. This can not only help to loosen things up before you have your treatment, but you can apply the same techniques during your procedure and afterward to help keep the tension and discomfort in your jaw to an absolute minimum.

What to Expect

When you see your dentist, they'll take special time and care to ensure that you're as comfortable as possible while the treatment is being performed.

In exams and cleanings, you'll be able to take frequent breaks if you need to so you can give your jaw a rest. In longer procedures, you can still be given breaks, but your dentist can also implement other tools to make it easier for you.

For example, a mouth rest can be very beneficial to people who have jaw mobility problems. This small device is designed to keep your jaw open without you having to physically force it to stay open. This allows your muscles to rest, and takes the stress out of the procedure.

In addition, if you have a strong sense of anxiety or nervousness because of your condition, you can always ask your dentist for help with that. They can provide you with a light sedative to ease your anxiety.

Dentists are there to help you, not to hurt you. If you need dental work and are worried about your jaw, don't be. Many people have jaw disorders, so your dentist will understand your needs and will act accordingly. Set up and appointment and give your dentist a call to let them know what they're going to be dealing with when they see you.
