5 Main Reasons Why You Should Visit A Dentist Regularly

Most people seek dental care only when they have an oral condition. However, doctors recommend a regular dental checkup to help keep your gums and teeth healthy. If you don't have an underlying dental problem, you should visit a dentist every six months. If you have an oral issue, you should get checked every four months.

Here are five reasons why a regular dental visit is essential:

1. Screening and Early Detection of Mouth Cancer

Studies show that about 11 per 100,000 American adults will develop oral cancer. In most instances, cancer goes undetected and asymptomatic until when it is in its advanced stage. During a routine checkup, the dentist will check for any signs of mouth cancer, such as loose teeth, a mouth sore that doesn't heal, a lump inside your mouth, white or red patches in your mouth, and mouth pain, among others. Once cancer is detected, the doctor may recommend further screening.

2. Detection of Hidden Oral Problems

Some dental problems cannot be identified through a normal physical examination. During a routine checkup, the dentist may request a dental x-ray to capture the interior of your gums and teeth. This diagnostic procedure helps the doctor to identify hidden oral problems. It also helps to assess the severity of common problems, such as tooth decay and cavities. Normally, dentists perform x-rays once a year.

3. Oral Education

Since dentists are highly trained in oral care, they are meaningful sources of dental education. In most cases, they assess oral damages and offer essential insights about brushing techniques. They also provide information about everyday oral care guidelines. More importantly, a dentist is a rich source of information about bad habits that negatively impact your teeth, such as smoking, biting nails, grinding your teeth, and eating sugary stuff.

4. Preventive Care

The principal goal of a regular dental checkup is the prevention of oral diseases. As a trained professional, dentists assess your mouth and can detect the onset of common teeth problems, such as decay and gum disease. They offer preventive remedies and advice about habits and practices that may prevent the progression of a specific dental problem.

5. Overall Dental Care

If you visit a dental clinic regularly, you can have all your dental needs addressed on time. For instance, the doctor can diagnose gum disease and offer appropriate treatment. In case of tartar, cavities, and plague, the dentist will recommend relevant remedies. Other oral problems, such as teeth discoloration and cosmetic-related issues, can also be addressed through a regular dental checkup.

The Takeaway

Don't wait until you have a toothache to visit a dentist. Making a habit of seeking dental care at least twice a year for diagnoses, early treatment, and prevention of common oral issues.
