Eight Things That Will Help Patients Who Have Just Gotten Dental Implants To Avoid Discomfort

Patients who have undergone dental implant treatment may experience some discomfort as their body heals from surgery and adjusts to implants. Fortunately, there are many things that patients can do to minimize and prevent discomfort.

The following are eight things that will help patients who have just gotten dental implants to avoid discomfort. 

Avoiding hard foods

Eating soft foods only for the first few days after the dental implant procedure can entirely prevent significant discomfort for many patients. You should stock up on soft foods and smoothie ingredients so that you can eat well without any discomfort after getting dental implants. 

Taking some time off from work to rest

If possible, you should take a few days off from work after the dental implant procedure. This way, you can sleep off any discomfort and won't be stressed out after the procedure. Getting plenty of rest after the implant procedure allows your body to focus all its energy on healing as quickly as possible. 

Communicating with your dentist about discomfort

Speak up about any discomfort you feel after the procedure. Your dentist can recommend analgesics or prescribe you pain medications if necessary. Your dentist might also be able to provide you with additional advice on avoiding discomfort as you heal. 

Drinking enough water

Your body can heal faster when it is adequately hydrated. That's why you should be drinking a lot of water while healing and avoid diuretics such as coffee that can have a dehydrating effect. 

Not consuming alcohol

You should not consume any alcohol when you're recovering from the dental implant procedure. Alcohol can reduce your immune response and cause dehydration. This can lead to increased discomfort, so you definitely want to avoid alcohol until you've healed.  

Not smoking

If you are a smoker, it's important for you to take a break from smoking after you get implants. Smoking slows down circulation and can therefore cause healing to take longer after dental implant surgery. This could potentially lead to increased or prolonged discomfort during recovery. 

Keeping up with oral hygiene

Although your gums and mouth may be tender after you get new dental implants, you still need to make sure you're keeping up with brushing. Brush your teeth gently and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash to keep the surgery site clean and minimize bacteria in your mouth as you heal. 

Not engaging in any strenuous physical activity

If you frequently engage in strenuous activity for exercise or athletic events, you need to take a break when you get dental implants. Strenuous exercise can slow down healing and even cause bleeding and swelling in some cases. 

To learn more information about dental implants, reach out to a professional near you.
