Be Prepared For These Side Effects Of General Anesthesia After The Removal Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Getting a wisdom teeth removal can be anything from a minor to a major procedure, depending on the position of the teeth and whether or not they're impacted. In the latter case, your dentist will need to surgically remove them, which means that you'll be under general anesthesia. Given that you're often in your late teens or early 20s when you have these teeth removed, this may be your first exposure to general anesthesia. Several side effects of varying degrees can be present once you wake back up, but it's possible to safely manage them as you recover. Here are some tips to get through this process.


Anything from mild to severe nausea is a common side effect of general anesthesia. While there might be nothing that keeps you from actually throwing up, you should do what you can to lessen this risk by consuming mild foods. Generally, things such as lightly flavored soup, applesauce and other such products are ideal because they're gentle on your stomach. Steer clear of heavily spiced foods, foods with milk or cream, acidic foods or any other foods that could risk turning your stomach. If you do throw up, remember to consume water afterward to rehydrate your body.


Regardless of the time of the year, you can often experience a case of the chills after you wake up from general anesthesia. You can overcome this issue by not only dressing in layers so that you can adjust your clothing based on the severity of the chills, but also by snuggling under a blanket or soaking in a warm bath. It's also worthwhile to use a hot water bottle or a microwavable heat pack to keep comfortable when you're chilly. In many cases, tailoring your diet accordingly — for example, enjoying a hot bowl of soup or a mug of hot water — can also be helpful.


You'll almost certainly experience some degree of fatigue after you go through general anesthesia. The simplest solution is to make sure that you get plenty of rest, but to do so, you'll need to schedule your wisdom tooth surgery to allow for a handful of days of recuperation. Ask your dentist how many recovery days you'll need during your consultation appointment and adjust your schedule accordingly. It's miserable to attempt to go back to work a couple days later, especially if you're still feeling a little drowsy.
