Four Ways To Calm Your Nerves Prior To An Upcoming Dental Appointment

Do you feel nervous or anxious prior to visiting the dentist? You're not alone. For some people, the fear becomes so bad that it is considered a phobia, for which they need to seek treatment from a therapist. If you absolutely cannot make yourself go to the dentist, you may be one of those who need therapy to address your fears. In most cases, however, mild to moderate anxieties and worries can be managed by doing these four things before your appointment. [Read More]

Bleeding While Brushing? Rule Out These Potential Reasons

If you see blood in the sink as you spit after brushing your teeth, you don't have to automatically start to panic about your dental health. However, if you notice that this is becoming a regular occurrence, you may want to schedule a dental checkup to bring this matter to the attention of your dentist. You can also try to rule out some potential reasons for this blood, as they may not relate at all to your oral health. [Read More]

Pain From New Braces: Some Tips

Even if you know that your new braces will straighten and correct your teeth, the pain could be surprising. Throughout the first few days, there might be discomfort in your gums, teeth, and mouth. Luckily, it's manageable. Allow these braces suggestions to help. Use Local Anesthesia If you've only been taking traditional anti-inflammatory or pain medication like ibuprofen, you may be looking for something different. The teeth themselves might be hurting. [Read More]

3 Tips For Keeping Your Tooth Moist After Having It Knocked Out

If you have just had one of your teeth knocked out, you may wonder whether or not your tooth can be reinserted by your dentist. While it is possible for a tooth to be saved, one of the key things you need to do is to keep it moist until it can be examined. As soon as possible after having it knocked out, use one or more of the following tips for keeping your tooth moist. [Read More]